I’m trying to view the example of molecules in stereo devices
The implementation seems easy but dosen’t work
renderer = new CSS3DRenderer();
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
document.getElementById( ‘container’ ).appendChild( renderer.domElement );
effect = new StereoEffect( renderer );
effect.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
function render() {
//renderer.render ( scene, camera );
effect.render( scene, camera );
It generate a error in console: “renderer.clear is not a function”
I’m very confusing abaut that. Is posible to do that?
Hm. Are they compatible at all?
Here is a demo with a rather old Three.js (r73):
Thank you @PavelBoytchev it’s a interesting demo. But it’s not seems the way to do that today.
In r170 you have to create the CSS3Drender and set it into the effect. There is not a CSS3DStereoRenderer in the library to use this.
This is a interesting solution but i want to know if i’m doing somthing wrong here.
If by stereo devices, you mean VR headsets, I don’t think there are any that support css"3d" dom operation in a meaningful way.
You would need to implement this in GL for it to work with headsets.
Hello @manthrax , the Stereo effect that I’m working is that example three.js examples
CSS3D and this Stereo, I think it must be possible but i get this error: “renderer.clear is not a function”
I work a little more in the issue, and I create this methods in CSS3DRenderer.js constructor
this.clear = function () {
this.setScissorTest = function () {
this.setScissor = function () {
this.setViewport = function () {
At this moment, the renderer stop the errors but the effect not occur either.
Yeah none of that is gonna work. VR devices cannot display dom elements in VR 3d , full stop.
Rendering webgl stuff in 3d on a headset pretty much requires rendering it via GL.
The DOM is not designed to display on a headset unless the webXR/VR api’s are used, and those are webGL api’s.
But you can use this effect in a simple phone. And this device can display dom elements.
And I also try the Anaglyph effect, and either dosent works in this way.
But it’s not seems the way to do that today.
In r170 you have to create the CSS3Drender and set it into the effect. There is not a CSS3DStereoRenderer in the library to use this.
Yes, that’s the pitfall of old releases. CSS3DStereoRenderer has been removed in r77. You may study the old code to see how things have been done … and then reimplement them with the new Three.js. Just using the code as it is will not work in most of the cases.
If I were desperately needing stereo CSS, I’d make two canvases next to each other, then render the scene with slightly offset cameras. This might work for using stereo glasses with a smartphone. But for VR headsets there is a fundamental issue, as HTML does not pass through while in VR session, unless it is drawn as an image.
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thank you @PavelBoytchev , this is the point that I have to understand, to take a way in the project. Thank you again.
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