Trouble with FBX animation

I’m having trouble understanding what ThreeJS is doing to the animation contained in an FBX file.
Viewing the file in another viewer it looks fine. But ThreeJS is changing the animation in a way I can’t control.

I have animated a cube rotating on it’s edge, like opening a door. I have animated it with a offset pivot, I have used a second hinge object to rotate on the hinge’s center, I have attached the cube to a skeleton, and I have tried skinning the cube onto the skeleton. All have failed to pivot the cube on the edge. example:

I have just started using ThreeJS so I assume all the files are up to date.
The FBXloader example works and I’m using it as a base, I have only switched out the fbx file.

Is there any documentation out there on what works and what doesn’t? A “do’s and don’ts” for animation going to ThreeJS?

This is a good starting point:

If it plays somewhere else but not in threejs, may be worth just filing a bug – if you can share the model someone may be able to fix the loader.

Alternatively, try converting with and dropping the file into – you should see any animations available in the UI panel.

Great resources!! I converted a couple fbx files and the ones with animation fail. Of course the fbx plays in a viewer made by the some company that makes the 3d software. Things that make you go Hmmmm.
I’ll have to look into the output settings for the animation, the reason ThreeJS played it wonky might be the same reason why your viewer throws a “Validation could not run: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘parser’ of undefined.”

Of course the fbx plays in a viewer made by the some company that makes the 3d software.

Which software are you exporting the file from?