Hi, please help. I exported a scene from blender with animation. Animation starts, its ok, but only in one renderer, when I try to display this scene in another renderer and with another camera, there is no animation in second. Moreover, when I don’t render the first one, is second - works. I don’t give u more code details, because I dont know, is it possible, what I want? I will attach a video of the problem.
Here: _Renderer.entity = THREE.WebGLRenderer = _Renderer2.entity, _Scene.entity = THREE.Scene(), _Camera.entity = THREE.PerspectiveCamera( fov, ratio, 0.1, 1000 ) = _Camera2.entity. All are identical. Scene was export in .glb format.
function render() {
_Renderer.entity.render(_Scene.entity, _Camera.entity);
_Renderer2.entity.render(_Scene.entity, _Camera2.entity);
var delta = _Clock.getDelta();
if ( mixer ) {
mixer.update( delta );
Thank you.