Threejs mtl loader unfaithful material colors

Hello, that’s my first topic here on threejs so I’ll try to make it simple.

I created a MTL loader to load: Mtl file, Obj file, and all its materials.

All this files are requested from a server, and looking at the responses, they all have the right colors and textures.

The thing is, when all the files get rendered, the materials itself gets darker, and the colors are not faithful with the materials i’m loading.

OBS: I’ve already tested this files on Sketchfab and it rendered correctly, so i’m hoping someone can help me to find what i’m doing wrong. I can post more code if necessary. PLEASE HELP!!

Update: i placed renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding; but STILL NOT FAITHFUL WITH THE ORIGINAL FILE

Here’s the result from sketchfab: