Hi guys,I am working on a project everything is good except on mobile when I scroll the page the framerate drops drastically, I am not sure why and it only happens on mobile.
The app is potentially fragment shader bound. For testing, can you see an improvement in performance if you disable post processing on mobile?
I tried to disable the post-processing but still the same issue, when scrolled and when the player gets in the viewport the scroll gets laggy and frame rate drops, I don’t understand why…
I have finished the product Plasmic Audio Player
Thank you for your help.
How did you solve the issue? I have the same problem, but on desktop.
I could not find a solution other than disabling the post-processing… I don’t understand why this is happening, it makes no sense to me!
I am not sure about your project but make sure to keep a maximum of 60 FPS in my tests, especially on mobile I had even 170FPS and this drains the battery like crazy, 60FPS is more than enough to have a perfect visual experience.
Got it, thank you for the tips! I disable post-processing on mobile devices but want to keep it enabled on desktop. Can you suggest how to manage FPS limiting?
Sure this is how I did it in the render function
const fpsInterval = 1000 / 70;
const current = Date.now();
this.delta = current - this.current;
this.elapsed += this.isPlaying ? this.delta : 0;
if(this.delta < fpsInterval) return;
// Ececute your render code here!