Recognize the uploaded obj is cylinder or Not how to do that
Quite literally your only option, unless you set up specific boundaries of what defines a cylinder (shape / level of detail / lids / dents / aspect ratio, there’s quite a lot of properties - and modifying any even slightly can technically turn a cylinder into a sphere / cube)
The objs are literally created from blender does that help in anyway
Nope, geometry is geometry - what you’re looking for is a way to define what is a cylinder in a mathematical way - what separates the shape you’re looking for from all the other shapes.
Before the AI ​​Era, OpenCV was an incredible image analysis tool, made in c++
I know that it is capable of doing this, and I know that there is also a javascript version of it.
Open the OBJ file and see if there is any metadata that blender may have stored on the objects…
Like maybe its named “cylinder” or has a comment indicating what generated it.
Otherwise, this is basically a doomed concept.
If you could explain why you need to identify cylinders, we might be able to offer some more practical approaches.
I need to scale an OBJ file. If the object is a cylinder type, when its length is increased, the breadth should also increase proportionally, and vice versa. For other shapes, the object should scale based on its length, breadth, and height."
I needed to add this to scale models based on height by importing a model of whatever height into tpose, needed because skinedmesh its hard to get correct box when skelleton changed pose,
Maybe you can give some idea of ​​something easier if you don’t have a skeleton
this.options.modelsize its a constant height defines model size
used fixModelScale(model)
_expandAABB(skinnedMesh, aabb) {
var vertex = new THREE.Vector3();
var temp = new THREE.Vector3();
var skinned = new THREE.Vector3();
var skinIndices = new THREE.Vector4();
var skinWeights = new THREE.Vector4();
var boneMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
var skeleton = skinnedMesh.skeleton;
var boneMatrices = skeleton.boneMatrices;
var geometry = skinnedMesh.geometry;
var index = geometry.index;
var position = geometry.attributes.position;
var skinIndex = geometry.attributes.skinIndex;
var skinWeight = geometry.attributes.skinWeight;
var bindMatrix = skinnedMesh.bindMatrix;
var bindMatrixInverse = skinnedMesh.bindMatrixInverse;
function expand() {
skinned.set(0, 0, 0);
for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
var si = skinIndices.getComponent(j);
var sw = skinWeights.getComponent(j);
boneMatrix.fromArray(boneMatrices, si * 16);
if (index !== null) {
for (var i = 0; i < index.count; i++) {
vertex.fromBufferAttribute(position, index.getX(i));
skinIndices.fromBufferAttribute(skinIndex, index.getX(i));
skinWeights.fromBufferAttribute(skinWeight, index.getX(i));
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < position.count; i++) {
vertex.fromBufferAttribute(position, i);
skinIndices.fromBufferAttribute(skinIndex, i);
skinWeights.fromBufferAttribute(skinWeight, i);
getModelBox3D(object3D) {
var aabb = new THREE.Box3();
var matrixWorld = new THREE.Matrix4();
var skinnedMeshes = [];
// Traverse the object3D to find all SkinnedMeshes
object3D.traverse(function(child) {
if (child.isSkinnedMesh && child.skeleton) {
if (skinnedMeshes.length === 0)
// Expand the AABB to include all SkinnedMeshes
skinnedMeshes.forEach(skinnedMesh => {
var tempAABB = new THREE.Box3();
this._expandAABB(skinnedMesh, tempAABB);
return aabb;
fixModelScale(object3D) {
//put model on TPOSE
// Calculate the bounding box of the newModel
let modelSize = new THREE.Vector3();
let biggervalue = Math.max(modelSize.x, modelSize.y, modelSize.z);
//reescale to maintain aspect ratio
let newscale = this.options.modelsize / biggervalue;
if (object3D.userData.mixamo == undefined)
object3D.userData.mixamo = {};
object3D.userData.mixamo.scale = newscale;
//put hips on same position
return object3D;