📓 Three.js Acronyms

AABB = Axis Aligned Bounding Box
AO = Ambient Occlusion
AZDO = Approaching Zero Driver Overhead
BIM = Building Information Modeling
BLOB = Binary Large OBject
BRDF = Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions
BSP = Binary Space Partition
BVH = Bounding Volume Hierarchy
Cg = C for Graphics
CLUT = Color LookUp Table
CFM = Constraint Force Mixing
CSG = Constructive Solid Geometry
CVA = Compiled Vertex Array
DOF = Depth of Field
ERP = Error Reduction Parameter
FXAA = Fast approximate anti-aliasing
FK = Forward Kinematics
FOV = Field of View
FP = Floating Point
FPS = Frames Per Second
G = Gravitational Constant
GI = Global Illumination
GLSL = OpenGL Shading Language
HLSL = High-Level Shading Language
IOR = Index Of Refraction
IK = Inverse Kinematics
IPO = Interpolation
k-DOP = k-Discrete Oriented Polytope
LCP = Linear Complimentary Problem
LLVM = umbrella project no longer known as Low Level Virtual Machine
LOD = Level-Of-Detail
LoS = Line-of-Sight
LU = Lower Upper decomposition
MBR = Minimum Bounding Rectangle
MIP = multum in parvo(Latin) = Mipmap
MMU = Memory Management Unit
NURBS = Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines
OBB = Oriented Bounding Box
OSA = Oversampling
PBR = Physically Based Rendering
PD Controller = Proportional-Derivative Controller
PID Controller = Proportional–Integral–Derivative Controller
POV = Point of View
Quad = Quadrilateral
SDF = Signed Distance Functions
SI = International System of Units
slerp = spherical linear interpolation
SO(3) = Space Of 3D rotations
TCB Spline = Tension, Continuity, Bias also known as the Kochanek-Bartels spline
TGSI = Tungsten Graphics Shader Infrastructure
UV = denote the axes of the 2D texture
V = Vertex or Vector
Z-buffering = depth buffering

GLSL = OpenGL Shading Language

3D Languages
OpenCL = Open Computing Language
VRML = Virtual Reality Modeling Language
WebGL = Web Graphics Library
X3D = XML 3D

3D File Formats
.dae(COLLADA) = COLLAborative Design Activity
.fbx = Filmbox
.gltf = GL Transmission Format
.mtl = Material Library
.obj = Object
.stl = Stereo Lithographic

AR = Augmented Reality

CD-ROM = Compact Disc-Read-Only Memory
CRT = Cathode Ray Tube
DVD = Digital Video Disc
HMD = Head-Mounted Display
MR = Mixed Reality
TFT LCD = Thin-Film-Transistor Liquid-Crystal Display
VR = Virtual Reality

ABS = Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
CNC = Computer Numerical Control
FDM = Fused Deposition Method
FFF = Fused Filament Fabrication
PIM = Plastic Injection Molding
PLA = Polylactic Acid
RepRap = Replicating Rapid Prototypers
SLS = Selective Laser Sintering

API = Application Programming Interface
BPC = Bits Per Channel
BPP = Bits Per Pixel
CAD = Computer Aided Design
CAM = Computer Aided Manufacturing
D3 = Data-Driven Documents
HSV = Hue, Saturation, Value
RGB = Red, Green, Blue

HDR = High-dynamic-range imaging
JPEG = Joint Photographic Experts Group
JPS = Stereoscopic JPEG
SVG = Scalable Vector Graphics

PAL = Phase Alternating Line
NTSC = National Television Standard Committee

ISO = International Organization for Standardization

Open Source
OSI = Open Source Initiative
ARB = Architecture Review Board

BSD = Berkeley Software Distribution
FOSS = Free and Open Source Software
GPL = General Public License
MIT = Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Computer Related
CODEC = compressor/decompressor
CPU = Central processing unit
GPU = Graphics processing unit
GUI = Graphical User Interface
OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer
POT = Power of 2
RAM = Random Access Memory
UMTS = Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

Computer Vision
SIFT = Scale-Invariant Feature Transform
SURF = Speeded Up Robust Features

AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript + XML
HTML = HyperText Markup Language
HTTP = Hyper-Text-Transfer-Protocol
IM = Instant Messaging
IP = Internet Protocol
KML = Keyhole Markup Language
RSS = Really Simple Syndication
SQL = Structured Query Language
TCP/IP = Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
XML = Extensible Markup Language

BSP = Binary Space Partition
N-gon = The letter N stands for any whole number
NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NNEF = Neural Network Exchange Format
NURMS = Non-Uniform Rational Mesh Smooth
PhD = Doctor of Philosophy
RT3D = Real-Time 3-Dimensional graphics
VIPER = Versatile Interactive Preview Render
YafaRay = Yet Another Free Raytracer

MCVE = Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example
RTFM = Read the Freaking manual
SSCCE = Short, Self Contained, Correct (Compilable), Example


Data URI scheme

The data URI scheme is a uniform resource identifier (URI) scheme that provides a way to include data in-line in web pages as if they were external resources.

w-buffer vs z-buffer:

A z-buffer is a buffer the size of the screen which contains z values instead of colours. WHen a trangle is scan converted, it is also written to the z-buffer, and only the pixels of a triangle which have a z-value greater than the one in the buffer in that place will be displayed. One problem with the Z-Buffer is the accuracy is not very evenly distributed if you use the form of the Z-Buffer algorithm which uses linear interpolation to get the z value. This sometimes causes artifacts, ie stuff being in front of stuff it is behind. This can be made better by using a w-buffer, which uses the w value in the resulting matrix from the perspective transform, instead of the Z value. This improves the z-buffer and almost eliminates artifacts.


It’s not OOBB but just OOB (Oriented Bounding Box).

Updated to OBB thanks for the update