The math behind easing functions

[Edit:] fixed bottom diagram legend

Inspired by this thread, particularly by this illustration:

it occurred to me, that using a quadratic easing function you have to decide between either “smooth departure” or “smooth arrival”.

The smoothness of the movement is intuitively recognizable by the horizontal tangent at departure- or -arrival point.

What if you wanted both smooth departure and smooth arrival at both ends of a movement? You’d obviously need horizontal tangents at both ends, with a continuous (albeit not constant!) slope in between.

A Cosine function can give you just that: scaled by 0.5 in order to map the initial value range of [-1.0 … +1.0] to [-0.5 … +0.5], then vertically shifted by 0.5 gives you a value range of [0.0 … 1.0] already. Then map the input range of [-π/2 … π/2] to [0.0 … 1.0] and you’ll be set.

In case you’re wary of the performance impact of computing a trig function on every frame: a polynome of 3rd degree gives you very similar results. Someone made a quite nifty interactive cubic polynome grapher, where you can modify the A, B, C, D values of the generic cubic polynome

A * x^^3 + B * x^^2 + C * x + D = 0

via interactive sliders and immediately see the result of any change.

Turns out (after a little algebra), that a cubic polynome having A = -2, B = 3, C = 0, D = 0 satisfies the four boundary conditions:

  • input = 0, output value = 0
  • input = 1, output value = 1
  • input = 0, output slope = 0
  • input = 1, output slope = 0

easing.xlsx (18.4 KB)


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This y(x)=–2x3+3x2 is exactly how smoothstep in OpenGL/WebGL is being calculated.


I didn’t know that. But it shouldn’t come as a surprise that, given the identical set of boundary conditions as the aforementioned, different people would arrive at the identical solution. How did they (or I, for that matter) do that?

1st, it takes a faint or better memory of which functions will give you both a minimum (having slope = 0) at a low value (0) and a maximum (also having a slope = 0) at a higher value (1). A cubic polynome will do. Writing their equations down:

and plugging in the respective (x, y) value pairs results in a set of four equations having the four variables A, B, C and D:

The 1st and 3rd equations give you D = 0 and C = 0, respectively. Which leaves you with a set of two equations dealing in two variables A and B:

Solving the 1st for A and inserting into the 2nd:

results in B = 3 and A = -2 .
