I’m trying to add constraints to the limbs of my ik-driven fbx character model, hoping to prevent the model from making anti-human actions. I’m currently trying to use Vector3 to constrain the ik chain, but I don’t know how Vector3 acts on the model. I don’t know much about the constraints. The following are the constraints in my ik chain values:
leftLeg: {
target: '左腿控制_L',
effector: 'mixamorigLeftFoot',
links: [
name: 'mixamorigLeftLeg',
rotationMin: new THREE.Vector3(-Math.PI / 1.2, 0, 0), // 不允许向前弯曲,也不允许围绕Y轴和Z轴的旋转
rotationMax: new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0) // 允许向后弯曲90度,不允许围绕Y轴和Z轴的旋转
name: 'mixamorigLeftUpLeg',
rotationMin: new THREE.Vector3(-Math.PI / 1.5, -Math.PI, -Math.PI), // 不允许向前弯曲,也不允许围绕Y轴和Z轴的旋转
rotationMax: new THREE.Vector3(Math.PI / 1.7, Math.PI, -Math.PI/2) // 允许向后弯曲90度,不允许围绕Y轴和Z轴的旋转
Why does it happen that when the amount of exercise reaches the limit, it keeps scurrying around?