please I really need help, I am a web developer. when i apply material to my model it has this, when i console to see if it has UV PRESENT, i see it does, I got the model from 3d team, do i need more features on exported FBX ?
my Code
"import React, { useEffect } from “react”;
import { useFBX, useTexture } from “@react-three/drei”;
import { MeshStandardMaterial, Mesh } from “three”;
type Props = {};
const Sofa1 = (props: Props) => {
// Load the textures
const terrainTextures = useTexture({
map: “”,
roughnessMap: “/Specchio bump map_LOW.jpg”,
metalnessMap: “/Velvet-Dirt 3.jpg”,
normalMap: “/Enigma Natural(1.4cmsq)nrm.jpg”,
// Create the custom material
const customMaterial = new MeshStandardMaterial({
roughnessMap: terrainTextures.roughnessMap,
metalnessMap: terrainTextures.metalnessMap,
normalMap: terrainTextures.normalMap,
envMap: terrainTextures.envMap,
bumpMap: terrainTextures.bumpMap,
color: “white”,
const fbx = useFBX(“/om - Large Sofa.fbx”);
useEffect(() => {
if (fbx) {
fbx.traverse((child) => {
if (child instanceof Mesh) {
// Log details of the node
console.log(“Node Name:”,;
console.log(“Node Type:”, child.type);
console.log(“Child Geometry:”, child.geometry);
console.log(“Child Geometry UVs:”, child.geometry.attributes.uv);
console.log(“Current Child Material:”, child.material);
console.log(“Custom Material:”, customMaterial);
if (!child.geometry.attributes.uv) {
console.warn(`UV mapping is missing on ${}`);
child.material = customMaterial;
child.visible = true;
// Log material application success
console.log(`Material applied to ${}:`, child.material);
// Log the entire FBX hierarchy
console.log("FBX Hierarchy:", fbx);
}, [fbx, customMaterial]);
return ;
export default Sofa1;