Tak4D - 4-dimensional space viewer and 4D maze


Display 4-dimensional objects is a challenge because of the extra dimension.

I proposed a method inspired by technical drawing https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03192641 to handle more easily 4-dimensional spaces.

Based on this idea, I used threejs to build Tak4d an online tool https://www.raktres.net/tak4d/ that shows two use-cases.

A 4D maze

Your are in a 4D labyrinth looking for an hypersphere. You see the 4D maze through four 3D views which are generated thanks to Threejs.

A short presentation is available in the video https://youtu.be/gU-HD63ahyM (switch on English subtitles)

There are tutorials and when you got it, you can try random mazes.

A viewer for 4D geometric scenes

The viewer take advantage of the 4 windows display to create and manage rather complex 4D scenes. It allows you to view scenes through projections or cuts, to add or move 4D solids. It’s very efficient to show lot of 4-dimensional euclidean geometry experiments.

Some presentation video are available on the playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD5yLeJQ0t9jaMS5JX2JNoa2NN0_p05kK

For example, how to build a 4-dimensional box with Tak4D https://youtu.be/gHv2L5YNYvY

4D models are build with a specific algorithm, ADSODA created by Greg Ferrar (https://github.com/raktres/adsoda-js) and managed in the four 3D windows thanks to Threejs.


this hurts my brain…
but i love it!

I had an idea a while ago about making an experience/interface which used M.C. Esher style illusions and trickery but I could never figure it out. I reckon this would be a good way to begin to creep up on the idea as an entrypoint


if you are looking for a game related to the universe of Escher, I recommend you “Monument Valley” game (No direct link to three.js btw, but nice game).
