I have here a model.glb, and two different fbx animations without skin. I want to switch between the animations smoothly; here is a working prototype with abrupt animation switching:
Don’t you need an animationmixer to handle the transition between the animations? I updated the component similar to your code; what I noticed is it is always going to the T-pose first and then from there transition to the next animation - shouldn’t it just fade into the next animation where ever the bones are at the moment when I say fadeout? - or does fadeout means: go to reset pose?
if (proxy.isTalking) {
// wavingClipAction.crossFadeTo(talkingClipAction, 1, true); not worked
} else {
// talkingClipAction.crossFadeTo(wavingClipAction, 1, true); not worked
This here gives a better “transition” - at least it does not try to go to the T-pose:
hi, i’ve the same problem, with the same code as you
my code here : useAnimations (@react-fiber/drei) + NextJS14
But my prob is i’m with NextJS, then i don’t understand why it not works well