Swapping out a skinned mesh with another skinned mesh

I am currently experimenting with skeleton, bone and skinned mesh. However, not with models, but with functionally generated geometries.

I am merging different geometries. However, instead of using the predefined geometries and the built-in merging, I use my own variants to realize specific things. For this I look at the object type: “SkinnedMesh”, in the console.

const mesh = new THREE.SkinnedMesh( linkedGeometry, materials );  
console.log( mesh );

I’m still at the beginning there, but think that it is possible to manipulate here and will try it. It’s best to start with simple geometries (or simple models).
Example of how to use CCDIkSolver with a generic SkinnedMesh? - #14 by hofk

Such manipulations are of course much easier with geometry only.