Ladies, Gents,
I’d like to present my latest interactive 3D animation of a Stirling engine. It’s been modelled after a commercially available kit for the Stirling engine «Laura» from Bengs Modellbau, a Germany-based small supplier. See a YT video of the physical «Laura» in action. On this occasion I’d like to extend my sincere thanks to @donmccurdy for providing the source code of his GLtf Viewer on Github, which gave me invaluable insight into the intricacies of GLtf loading.
In terms of Three.js, I switched from my previous Cinema4D / VRML based workflow to a new workflow of modelling in Blender, export as .glb and import via GLTFLoader into my animation viewer program. All geometry has been modelled in Blender and has been transferred into my viewer as a single .glb file, a blob if you will.
In my viewer program I reshuffeld the moving parts (meshes) of this animation into the appropriate THREE.Groups for full interactive control via mouse and GUI. Some 32 identical little screws holding everything in place have been implemented as InstancedMesh, with a variety of three different geometries and four different materials from which any combination can be selected at runtime.
The animation was written in vanilla Three.js, without any additional libraries.
46 draw calls
0 animations
10 materials
70985 vertices
64524 triangles