Sphere black squaree artifact issue

Hello. i am tryting to make some planets with threejs. The problem is that some of my planets, are coming with this huge, black artifact, that spawns at center of oject, and separastes the vertical hemispheres. tried put everything to doubleside, remove frustrum culling. Nothing seemed to work. I had instances of even when i changed the code, and not even the planets where rendering anymore, i´d still have that black square at planets position. please how could i fix this?

. This only happens to 1 of 15 planets around

I think you’re seeing the far clipping plane of the camera.

Can you increase the far distance on your camera at init time, and see if the artifact changes?

You also have some depth buffer and alpha test issues…

On your materials, try setting alphaTest: .5,

If you dont care about ordering, you can set depthWrite:false