Some of FBX models appears as full black

I am creating the 3D Viewer for some model formats. In my scene, some of the FBX models appear black.
The model example is attached. (3.5 MB)

As far as I understand the problem is only with MeshPhongMaterial.

Do you mind sharing the model with all of its textures? When drag’n’drop the model into the three.js editor, you can see a whole set of textures FBXLoader tries to load:

If i try to load the shared model (without textures) in another viewer I see this

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You can achieve the same result by iterating through the loaded model and set the map property of the materials to null. Do this in your onLoad() callback:

object.traverse( function ( child ) {

	if ( child.isMesh ) { = null;


} );

The problem is that the “empty” textures result in a black color which makes the vertex colors not visible anymore.

I understand what you mean, but I don’t understand why in the same causes another 3D Viewer (like shows this:

and my shows this:


For this model also some materials appear as black, but all textures were loaded (1.2 MB)

For this model also some materials appear as black, but all textures were loaded (1.2 MB)

Sorry, in that case, the problem is with a lighting

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I’ve just replaced the model in webgl_loader_fbx with Mojo_Idle.fbx, removed the animation related code and set the map properties to null. Maybe you can use the same approach to easier find out what’s missing in your app.

Yeah, if I set to null I see the result like in another 3D Viewer.

Thank you. Sorry for my stupid)