I am currently trying to rig a programmatically generated extruded geometry and I have a problem with assigning skin indices and skin weights to the geometry’s vertices. I tried creating an ExtrudeBufferGeometry and programmatically seting the skinIndex and skinWeight attributes but this method is quite difficult since ExtrudedBufferGeometry is non indexed and tracking the indices of certain vertices is quite a pain.
Another approach I’m trying out right now is creating an ExtrudeGeometry first, then setting its skinIndices and skinWeights, then converting it to a BufferGeometry using “new THREE.BufferGeometry().fromGeometry( geometry );”. I was hoping it would include the skin indices and weights to the converted geometry but that does not seem to be the case.
Is it really intended for Three to strip off the skinIndices and skinWeights when converting to BufferGeometry? If that’s the case, why does Geometry even have those properties if it wouldn’t be carried over to the converted BufferGeometry? Isn’t BufferGeometry the only way for implementing Skeletons? If not, is there a way to implement Skeletons on a Geometry?