[SOLVED] Can not edit object from FBX loader outside of loader

Dear reader,

I have a question concerning the editing of objects outside of the loader.load function from THREE.FBXLoader.
I have the following function to load in an FBX model:

    function FBXLoader(sourceFile, shotName, pos){
    var obj = new THREE.Object3D();
    var loader = new THREE.FBXLoader();
		loader.load( sourceFile, function( object ) {
            obj = object;
            obj.name = shotName;
            obj.position.x = -(pos.x - compensationPos.x);
            obj.position.y = pos.y - compensationPos.y;
            obj.position.z = pos.z - compensationPos.z;
            console.log('visible icon of type ', typeof(obj), ' placed at ', obj.position);
        return obj;

which works as expected. it loads the model, and changes its name/position to shotname and pos, and increases the scale.

However when i try to edit the object outside of the Loader.load function nothing happens, despite passing the loaded object to a new Object3D “obj”, like this:

function FBXLoader(sourceFile, shotName, pos){
var obj = new THREE.Object3D();
var loader = new THREE.FBXLoader();
		loader.load( sourceFile, function( object ) {
        obj = object;
        //editing obj from here does not do anything, it won't get added to the scene either
        obj.name = shotName;
        obj.position.x = -(pos.x - compensationPos.x);
        obj.position.y = pos.y - compensationPos.y;
        obj.position.z = pos.z - compensationPos.z;
        console.log('visible icon of type ', typeof(obj), ' placed at ', obj.position);
    return obj;

Is there something i am doing wrong/overseeing here?

Thanks for your time,

Your initial obj variable is overwritten by the onLoad() callback of FBXLoader.load(). The error becomes more obvious if you just declare obj. So instead of

var obj = new THREE.Object3D();


var obj;

Be aware that the onLoad() callback is asynchronous. You have to respect this in your code.


Oke, thanks for your swift reply!