Skeleton animation not working

Hi, I’m trying to figure out how Skeleton animations work. I build a custom Geometry, create a Mesh and bind the mesh to a Skeleton. Then I animate the Skeleton. I cann see the Skeleton move but the Mesh does not move accordingly. It seems that there’s something missing. Does anyone have an idea? Thanks!

Here is the code:

// Build the Geometry

    const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();

    const vertices = [

        // front

        { pos: [-1, -1,  1], norm: [ 0,  0,  1], uv: [0, 0], color: [0,0.75,0] },

        { pos: [ 1, -1,  1], norm: [ 0,  0,  1], uv: [1, 0], color: [0,0.75,0] },

        { pos: [-1,  1,  1], norm: [ 0,  0,  1], uv: [0, 1], color: [0,0.75,0] },


        { pos: [-1,  1,  1], norm: [ 0,  0,  1], uv: [0, 1], color: [0,0.75,0] },

        { pos: [ 1, -1,  1], norm: [ 0,  0,  1], uv: [1, 0], color: [0,0.75,0] },

        { pos: [ 1,  1,  1], norm: [ 0,  0,  1], uv: [1, 1], color: [0,0.75,0] },

        // right

        { pos: [ 1, -1,  1], norm: [ 1,  0,  0], uv: [0, 0], color: [255,0,0] },

        { pos: [ 1, -1, -1], norm: [ 1,  0,  0], uv: [1, 0], color: [255,0,0] },

        { pos: [ 1,  1,  1], norm: [ 1,  0,  0], uv: [0, 1], color: [255,0,0] },


        { pos: [ 1,  1,  1], norm: [ 1,  0,  0], uv: [0, 1], color: [255,0,0] },

        { pos: [ 1, -1, -1], norm: [ 1,  0,  0], uv: [1, 0], color: [255,0,0] },

        { pos: [ 1,  1, -1], norm: [ 1,  0,  0], uv: [1, 1], color: [255,0,0] },

        // back

        { pos: [ 1, -1, -1], norm: [ 0,  0, -1], uv: [0, 0], color: [255,0,0] },

        { pos: [-1, -1, -1], norm: [ 0,  0, -1], uv: [1, 0], color: [255,0,0] },

        { pos: [ 1,  1, -1], norm: [ 0,  0, -1], uv: [0, 1], color: [255,0,0] },


        { pos: [ 1,  1, -1], norm: [ 0,  0, -1], uv: [0, 1], color: [255,0,0] },

        { pos: [-1, -1, -1], norm: [ 0,  0, -1], uv: [1, 0], color: [255,0,0] },

        { pos: [-1,  1, -1], norm: [ 0,  0, -1], uv: [1, 1], color: [255,0,0] },

        // left

        { pos: [-1, -1, -1], norm: [-1,  0,  0], uv: [0, 0], color: [255,0,0] },

        { pos: [-1, -1,  1], norm: [-1,  0,  0], uv: [1, 0], color: [255,0,0] },

        { pos: [-1,  1, -1], norm: [-1,  0,  0], uv: [0, 1], color: [255,0,0] },


        { pos: [-1,  1, -1], norm: [-1,  0,  0], uv: [0, 1], color: [255,0,0] },

        { pos: [-1, -1,  1], norm: [-1,  0,  0], uv: [1, 0], color: [255,0,0] },

        { pos: [-1,  1,  1], norm: [-1,  0,  0], uv: [1, 1], color: [255,0,0] },

        // top

        { pos: [ 1,  1, -1], norm: [ 0,  1,  0], uv: [0, 0], color: [255,255,0] },

        { pos: [-1,  1, -1], norm: [ 0,  1,  0], uv: [1, 0], color: [255,255,0] },

        { pos: [ 1,  1,  1], norm: [ 0,  1,  0], uv: [0, 1], color: [255,255,0] },


        { pos: [ 1,  1,  1], norm: [ 0,  1,  0], uv: [0, 1], color: [255,255,0] },

        { pos: [-1,  1, -1], norm: [ 0,  1,  0], uv: [1, 0], color: [255,255,0] },

        { pos: [-1,  1,  1], norm: [ 0,  1,  0], uv: [1, 1], color: [255,255,0] },

        // bottom

        { pos: [ 1, -1,  1], norm: [ 0, -1,  0], uv: [0, 0], color: [255,0,0] },

        { pos: [-1, -1,  1], norm: [ 0, -1,  0], uv: [1, 0], color: [255,0,0] },

        { pos: [ 1, -1, -1], norm: [ 0, -1,  0], uv: [0, 1], color: [255,0,0] },


        { pos: [ 1, -1, -1], norm: [ 0, -1,  0], uv: [0, 1], color: [255,0,0] },

        { pos: [-1, -1,  1], norm: [ 0, -1,  0], uv: [1, 0], color: [255,0,0] },

        { pos: [-1, -1, -1], norm: [ 0, -1,  0], uv: [1, 1], color: [255,0,0] },


    const positions = [];

    const normals = [];

    const uvs = [];

    const colors = [];

    for (const vertex of vertices) 









        new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(positions), 3));



        new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(normals), 3));



        new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(uvs), 2));        



        new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(colors), 3));    


    // Set Skin Indices and Weights

    const skinIndices = [];

    const skinWeights = [];

    const position = geometry.attributes.position;

    for ( let i = 0; i < position.count; i ++ ) 


        skinIndices.push( 0, 1, 0, 0 );

        skinWeights.push( 1, 0.5, 0, 0 );



    geometry.setAttribute( 'skinIndex', new THREE.Uint16BufferAttribute( skinIndices, 4 ) );

    geometry.setAttribute( 'skinWeight', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( skinWeights, 4 ) );

    // Create Material and Mesh

    const material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { flatShading: true,  wireframe: false, vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors } );

    this.mesh = new THREE.SkinnedMesh( geometry, material );

    // Build the Skeleton

    var bones = [];


    var bone1 = new THREE.Bone();

    bone1.position.x = 1;



    var bone2 = new THREE.Bone();

    bone2.position.x = -2;




    var skeleton = new THREE.Skeleton(bones);




    this.mesh.rotation.x = 0.3;

    this.mesh.rotation.y = 0.3;

    this.mesh.rotation.z = 0.3;
    const helper = new THREE.SkeletonHelper( this.mesh );
    this.scene.add( helper );

    // Animation loop
    this.mesh.skeleton.bones[0].position.x += 0.01;