Hello hoping you are doing well, I’m trying to show autocad files (.dwg files) in a three.js scene, I already read a post about using gltf format, I developing an app with react and I need loaders or parsers or something that can covert dwg files (not an exterior app) and can’t find anything about it, so I asked chatgpt for more information and it said to me that three.js have two specific loaders called DXFLoader with this import route
import { DXFLoader } from ‘three-dxf-loader’;
and another one called AutoCADLoader with this import route
import { AutoCADLoader } from ‘three/examples/jsm/loaders/AutoCADLoader’;
The things is I found the first one but I can’t find the second: AutoCADLoader.
Where I can find it, because visual code can’t find it either.