Shadow Rendering Issue in 3D Room when Increasing Size

import { Center } from "@react-three/drei";
import { useFrame, useThree } from "@react-three/fiber";
import { useRef } from "react";
import { Color, Group, Vector3, Mesh } from "three";

const Walls = () => {
    const { scene, camera } = useThree();
    const wallContainer = useRef<any>();
    const { height, length, width } = { height: 2500, length: 20000, width: 20000 };

    useFrame(() => {
        const walls = scene.getObjectByName("group_wall") as Group;
        const allMeshs: Array<Mesh> = [];
        walls.traverse((el: any) => {
            if (el['isMesh']) {

        allMeshs.forEach((el: Mesh) => {
            if (el.userData.normal) {
                let v = new Vector3();
                const value = v.subVectors(camera.position, el.position).dot(el.userData.normal);
                if (value < 0) {
                    el.visible = false;
                } else {
                    el.visible = true;

    return (
        <Center top name="group_wall" key={height}>
            <group ref={wallContainer}>
                {/* Walls */}
                    position={[0, 0, -length / 2 / 1000 + 0.1 / 2]}
                    userData={{ normal: new Vector3(0, 0, 1) }}
                    <boxGeometry args={[width / 1000, height / 1000, 0.1]} />
                    <meshPhongMaterial color={new Color('#ECECEC')} />
                {/* Other walls here */}

export default Walls;

I’m working on a 3D room visualization project using React and Three.js. The room consists of walls and a floor, and I’m trying to render shadows correctly. Everything works fine when I use a room size of { width: 8000, length: 8000, height: 2500 }

, but when I increase the size to { width: 20000, length: 20000, height: 2500 }, the shadow rendering goes haywire

I have a Floor component and a Walls component that set up the room and handle shadow casting and receiving. The SceneContents component is responsible for adding directional light and setting up the scene.

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