E Hi, sorry for my english. I have 1 project for show Sunglasses on face using webcam.
I using library threejs external and 1 file js with feature for render object. In this file js if use basicmaterial work load texture… if use shadermaterial not work. Not show texture… object only black color.
I don’t understand how to add texture to the glasses.
Any of you good, can you show me how?
someone with a good heart who teaches me to charge the texture.
I’m willing to pay for tuition.
"use strict";
Build 3D glasses.
spec properties:
* <string> envMapURL: url of the envMap
* <string> frameMeshURL: url of the mesh used for the glasses frames
* <string> lensesMeshURL: url of the mesh of the lenses
* <string> occluderURL: url of the occluder
const Zeta3dThreeGlassesCreator=function(spec){
const threeGlasses = new THREE.Object3D();
// envMap texture:
const textureEquirec = new THREE.TextureLoader().load( spec.envMapURL );
textureEquirec.mapping = THREE.EquirectangularReflectionMapping;
textureEquirec.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
textureEquirec.minFilter = THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter;
// glasses frames:
new THREE.BufferGeometryLoader().load(spec.frameMeshURL, function(glassesFramesGeometry){
// custom material with fading at the end of the branches:
const us = THREE.ShaderLib.standard.uniforms;
const uniforms = {
roughness: {value: 1},
metalness: {value: 0},
reflectivity: {value: 0},
diffuse: {value: new THREE.Color().setHex(0xffffff)},
uBranchFading: {value: new THREE.Vector2(-90, 60)} // first value: position (lower -> to the back), second: transition brutality
// tweak vertex shader to give the Z of the current point:
let vertexShaderSource = "varying float vPosZ;\n" + THREE.ShaderLib.standard.vertexShader;
vertexShaderSource = vertexShaderSource.replace('#include <fog_vertex>', 'vPosZ = position.z;');
// tweak fragment shader to apply transparency at the end of the branches:
let fragmentShaderSource = "uniform vec2 uBranchFading;\n varying float vPosZ;\n" + THREE.ShaderLib.standard.fragmentShader;
const GLSLcomputeAlpha = 'gl_FragColor.a = smoothstep(uBranchFading.x - uBranchFading.y*0.9, uBranchFading.x + uBranchFading.y*0.9, vPosZ);'
fragmentShaderSource = fragmentShaderSource.replace('#include <fog_fragment>', GLSLcomputeAlpha);
const mat = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
vertexShader: vertexShaderSource,
fragmentShader: fragmentShaderSource,
uniforms: uniforms,
flatShading: false,
transparent: true,
extensions: { // fix for https://github.com/zeta3d/zeta3dFaceFilter/issues/154
//derivatives: true,
//shaderTextureLOD: true
const glassesFramesMesh = new THREE.Mesh(glassesFramesGeometry, mat);
window.debugMatFrames = mat; // to debug the material il the JS console
// glasses parts:
new THREE.BufferGeometryLoader().load(spec.partsMeshURL, function(glassesPartsGeometry){
// custom material with fading at the end of the branches:
const us = THREE.ShaderLib.standard.uniforms;
const uniforms = {
roughness: {value: 1},
metalness: {value: 0},
reflectivity: {value: 0},
diffuse: {value: new THREE.Color().setHex(0xffffff)},
//uBranchFading: {value: new THREE.Vector2(-90, 60)} // first value: position (lower -> to the back), second: transition brutality
// tweak vertex shader to give the Z of the current point:
let vertexShaderSource = "varying float vPosZ;\n" + THREE.ShaderLib.standard.vertexShader;
vertexShaderSource = vertexShaderSource.replace('#include <fog_vertex>', 'vPosZ = position.z;');
const mat = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: 0x0040FF,
//shininess: 12,
//specular: 0x008FFF,
transparent: true
const glassesPartsMesh = new THREE.Mesh(glassesPartsGeometry, mat);
window.debugMatParts = mat; // to debug the material il the JS console
// glasses lens:
new THREE.BufferGeometryLoader().load(spec.lentiMeshURL, function(glassesLentiGeometry){
const mat = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
envMap: textureEquirec,
opacity: 0.3,
color: new THREE.Color().setHex(0xCCCCCC),
transparent: true,
const glassesLentiMesh = new THREE.Mesh(glassesLentiGeometry, mat);
window.debugMatLens = mat; // to debug the material il the JS console
const occluderMesh = THREE.Zeta3dHelper.create_threejsOccluder(spec.occluderURL);
return {
glasses: threeGlasses,
occluder: occluderMesh