I’m modeling a glb object with transparent material onto a transparent background so that I can use the div’s background colour so that it changes as the user scroll’s through the site.
When I remove the background from Three.js, the material automatically reflects black, although the background colour I’m working with are white and quite bright, so the reflection comes off unrealistic.
Is there a way to set this background colour even though I want it to be transparent?
I’ve tried renderer.setClearColour but that hasn’t helped.
And here is the material properties that show as transparent when using a threejs background:
acrylicMaterial.reflectivity = 0
acrylicMaterial.transmission = 1
acrylicMaterial.roughness = 0.2
acrylicMaterial.metalness = 0
acrylicMaterial.clearcoat = 0.3
acrylicMaterial.clearcoatRoughness = 0.25
acrylicMaterial.color = new THREE.Color(0xffffff)
acrylicMaterial.ior = 1.2
acrylicMaterial.thickness = 1.0
But the clear material still reflects black as in the photo?