Hi, I need to make a blue object to rotate around a distant red one like in the following example
As you can see the red object rotates around the y axis and, based on this rotation, the blue object rotates and translates around the first one.
Everything works fine until I make the red object rotate both around the y and the z axis.
That means that as soon as I uncomment the following:
red.rotation.y += 0.01;
red.rotation.z += 0.01;
The blue object goes crazy.
All I have at the moment are the rotateAboutPoint
function from this StackOverflow answer
// obj - your object (THREE.Object3D or derived)
// point - the point of rotation (THREE.Vector3)
// axis - the axis of rotation (normalized THREE.Vector3)
// theta - radian value of rotation
// pointIsWorld - boolean indicating the point is in world coordinates (default = false)
function rotateAboutPoint(obj, point, axis, theta, pointIsWorld){
pointIsWorld = (pointIsWorld === undefined)? false : pointIsWorld;
obj.parent.localToWorld(obj.position); // compensate for world coordinate
obj.position.sub(point); // remove the offset
obj.position.applyAxisAngle(axis, theta); // rotate the POSITION
obj.position.add(point); // re-add the offset
obj.parent.worldToLocal(obj.position); // undo world coordinates compensation
obj.rotateOnAxis(axis, theta); // rotate the OBJECT
and the following 3 lines to retrieve the rotation axis and angle of rotation:
// Extracting the rotation axis and the angle from quaternion and storing it into a Vector4...
// Setting the axis values to a Vector3
rotAxis.set(axisAngle.x, axisAngle.y, axisAngle.z);
var theta = axisAngle.w - oldAxisAngle.w;
I’m clearly missing something but I can’t figure out what yet.
I need to accomplish such rotation without translating the geometry of the blue object beforehand, just the position and rotation.
I would really appreciate some help on this issue.