Hello everyone!!!
I am new to the forum and to threeJS.
I have a problem with the rotation of a mesh related to mouse scroll: the mesh should rotate from the starting position to a maximum of 90° by scrolling up with the mouse, while scrolling down with the mouse the mesh should return to the starting position. Scrolling with the mouse increases or decreases the rotation by 0.05.
I am pasting the code so as to make the idea better.
function onMouseWheel(){
const delta = Math.sign(event.deltaY);
//var maxrotation = -Math.PI / 2;
var maxrotation = -0.9500000000000003;
var maxrotation2 = -0.9000000000000006;
if(delta >= 0){
if(mesh.rotation.z >= maxrotation && mesh.rotation.z <= 0){
mesh.rotation.z += -0.05;
if(mesh.rotation.z <= 0 && mesh.rotation.z >= maxrotation){
mesh.rotation.z += 0.05;
The reference site is demo.lumina.it and the mesh that needs to rotate is David’s head.
Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you very much