I am looking for a way to replace the skeleton in a skinned mesh that I load from a GLTF file (representing an article of clothing) with the skeleton in the GLTF file I have already loaded, that represents a body. The two skeletons are the same - one is a deformed copy of the other.
I have been experimenting with a couple of approaches without much success - can anyone point me to the right area to look at?
For example, I iterate over the “source model” and find the skeleton. Then I iterate over the “destination model” and when I find its’ skeleton, I replace it with the one I found. Has no discernible effect but maybe I am missing one of the xxxNeedsUpdate flags.
No discernible difference after copying over the bones like you proposed - I didn’t seen a flag to indicate some internal updates required but thing feels like the place where one might be necessary given what else I know about three.js.
Nothing like that in your code - it works for you as is I take it?