Hi guys!
I m trying to write a smoke effect,an explosive smoke for example.
I only set like 1k+ vertexs ,but the FPS goes down to 1~5 per sceond
code here
this._geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry()
this._geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute([], 3))
this._geometry.setAttribute('size', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute([], 1))
this._geometry.setAttribute('opacity',new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute([],1))
this._geometry.setAttribute('lifeTime',new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute([],1))
this._geometry.setAttribute('rotation',new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute([],1))
this._material = new THREE.PointsMaterial( {
size: 1,
transparent: true ,
map : new THREE.TextureLoader().load('./resources/textures/smoke.png'),
blending: THREE.CustomBlending,
blendEquation: THREE.AddEquation,
blendSrc: THREE.OneFactor,
blendDst: THREE.OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor,
depthTest: true,
depthWrite: false,
transparent: true,
vertexColors: true
} )
this._points = new THREE.Points(this._geometry,this._material)
const vertexs = []
const sizes = []
const opacities = []
const lifeTimes = []
const rotation = []
let lastTime = 0
let timeInterval,vertexX,vertexY,vertexZ,x,y,z
// the last batch added to the scene when the first batch runs out lifetime
const activity = new TWEEN.Tween({
time : 0
time :5
timeInterval = object.time - lastTime
lastTime = object.time
// update by a movement pattern( its just a scratch)
for(let i = 0;i<sizes.length;i++){
let index = i*3
x = 2*(this._lifeTime-lifeTimes[i])
y = vertexX/Math.tan(1/6*Math.PI)
vertexX = x*Math.random()
vertexY = y*(Math.random()-0.5)*2
z = Math.sqrt(y*y-vertexY*vertexY)
vertexZ = y*(Math.random()-0.5)*2
vertexs[i] = vertexX
// another question vertexY maybe negative but it appears positive in the position.array
vertexs[i+1] = vertexY
vertexs[i+2] = vertexZ>z?vertexZ-z:vertexZ
this._points.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true
this._points.geometry.attributes.size.needsUpdate = true
this._points.geometry.attributes.opacity.needsUpdate = true
this._points.geometry.attributes.lifeTime.needsUpdate = true
this._points.geometry.attributes.rotation.needsUpdate = true
// add 50 particles everytime in the first 5 seconds
for(let i = 0;i<this.50;i++){
this._isProducing = false
this._points.geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(vertexs, 3))
this._points.geometry.setAttribute('size', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(sizes, 1))
this._points.geometry.setAttribute('opacity',new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(opacities,1))
this._points.geometry.setAttribute('lifeTime',new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(lifeTimes,1))
this._points.geometry.setAttribute('rotation',new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(rotation,3))
I saw the example they got like 10k more vertexs but the FPS looks fine.
Their vertexs are scattered while mine concentrated.
And i noteiced their particles moves as one which is a little bit simple while mine are much complicated
Can someone elighten me on this question?Maybe some advises about the sctructure or how it should be done?
Any help would be great!