I notice that if I render a camera / scene to the main stage it renders clean without any loss of quality. When I render to a WebGLRenderTarget with the same camera and scene, and then bind that rendertarget texture to a quad there is a loss in quality .
when i render the scene without the rendertarget intermediary it cleans up and is what im trying achieve with the rendertarget:
renderer.render( scene, camera);
Do i need to add FXAA antialiasing on the render texture manually? Or Is there something in the BasicMeshMaterial or render target that is reducing quality?
No. Right now, you have to use FXAA if you want to sharpen the visual output when rendering into a custom framebuffer/render target.
BTW: The term “quality” is very broad and can mean a lot of things in context of rendering. In my post, I have only referred to missing MSAA when using render targets.
Setting antialias to true means using MSAA. There should be many existing websites which describe the difference between both anti aliasing techniques (better than I can in this topic). Just give google a try