Property 'Default' does not exist on type 'SSAOPassOUTPUT'

Hello guys,
I am facing this error in typescript how to get rid of this error, below is my code

var gui = new GUI();

	gui.add( ssaoPass, 'output', {
		'Default': SSAOPass.OUTPUT.Default,
		'SSAO Only + Blur': SSAOPass.OUTPUT.Blur,
		'Beauty': SSAOPass.OUTPUT.Beauty,
		'Depth': SSAOPass.OUTPUT.Depth,
		'Normal': SSAOPass.OUTPUT.Normal
	} ).onChange( function ( value ) {

		ssaoPass.output = parseInt( value );

	} );

and above code gives me an error on OUTPUT.Default, OUTPUT.SSAO, OUTPUT.Blur, OUTPUT.Beauty, OUTPUT.Depth, OUTPUT.Normal

Property ‘Default’ does not exist on type ‘SSAOPassOUTPUT’.
Property ‘Blur’ does not exist on type ‘SSAOPassOUTPUT’.
Property ‘Depth’ does not exist on type ‘SSAOPassOUTPUT’
How to solve this issue in typescript and at the top I am importing this library,

import { SSAOPass } from 'three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/SSAOPass';

Just for clarify, all output modes do exist in the JavaScript source:

I also can confirm that the TS declaration file defines the enum like so:


@Mugen87 Thanks a lot sir, and one more thing I am using SSAOPass and scene is blinking how to tackle this issue? and in render function I am using composer.render() and when i am move my 3D model in a scene then it blinks very fast.

    const renderPass = new RenderPass(scene, camera);
    const ssaoPass = new SSAOPass(scene,camera,window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight);
    composer = new EffectComposer(renderer);

It’s not possible to investigate your issue from your code snippet. The only thing I can say is that the below line is invalid since EffectComposer has no logarithmicDepthBuffer property.

composer = new EffectComposer( renderer );
function ambientOcc(){
    const ssaoPass = new SSAOPass(scene,camera,window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight);
    composer = new EffectComposer(renderer);

    ssaoPass.renderToScreen = false;
    ssaoPass.kernelRadius = 2;

    var gui = new GUI();

	gui.add( ssaoPass, 'output', {
		'Default': 0,
		'SSAO Only': 1,
		'SSAO Only + Blur': 2,
		'Beauty': 3,
		'Depth': 4,
		'Normal': 5
	} ).onChange( function ( value ) {

		ssaoPass.output = parseInt( value );

	} );
	gui.add( ssaoPass, 'kernelRadius' ).min( 0 ).max( 32 );
	gui.add( ssaoPass, 'minDistance' ).min( 0.001 ).max( 0.02 );
	gui.add( ssaoPass, 'maxDistance' ).min( 0.01 ).max( 0.3 );

Render Function

function render(){

Create WEBGL

const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias: true,
 logarithmicDepthBuffer: true})
renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding;
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

@Mugen87 sir this is my code snippet where is the issue?