Property 'envMapIntensity' does not exist on type 'Material | Material[ ]

When I try to traverse a Group, item types are Object3D<Event>. So I can’t use child in the code below and face an error (clones’s type is Group):

    clones.traverse((child) => {
      if (child.isMesh) {
        child.material.envMapIntensity = 4;

I tried to use (child as Mesh) like this:

    clones.traverse((child) => {
      if ((child as Mesh).isMesh) {
        (child as Mesh).material.envMapIntensity = 4;

Now I get an error for envMapIntensity telling me that
Property 'envMapIntensity' does not exist on type 'Material | Material[]'. Property 'envMapIntensity' does not exist on type 'Material'.ts(2339)

I rewrote that line like this and it’s working fine:

        ((child as Mesh).material as MeshStandardMaterial).envMapIntensity = 4;