Hi, I detect human body pose from a webcam using TensorFlow pose. I want to place my 3d dress in the center of the left and right shoulder. I’m converting the pixel X Y coordinates to 3D coordinates but the 3d dress in not positioned at the exact location.
My calculations:
let x_avg = (leftShoulderX + rightShoulderX) / 2
let y_avg = (leftShoulderY + rightShoulderY) / 2
function mapWebcamTo3D(webcamX, webcamY, depth) {
const videoFrameWidth = webcamRef.current.video.videoWidth;
const videoFrameHeight= webcamRef.current.video.videoHeight;
const desired3DWidth = 100; // The width of your 3D space in your desired unit (e.g., meters)
// Define the desired 3D space dimensions
const desired3DHeight = (desired3DWidth / videoFrameWidth) * videoFrameHeight;
// Calculate the scale factors for X and Y
const scaleX = desired3DWidth / videoFrameWidth;
const scaleY = desired3DHeight / videoFrameHeight;
// Calculate the 3D coordinates
const x3D = (webcamX - videoFrameWidth / 2) * scaleX;
const y3D = (videoFrameHeight / 2 - webcamY) * scaleY;
const z3D = depth;
My 3d Model:
function Model({…props}) {
const group = useRef()
const { nodes, materials } = useGLTF(‘/Red_Blouse_GLTF.txt’)
console.log("model: ", props.dimension.x, props.dimension.y )
return (
<group ref={group} {…props} dispose={null} scale={10} position={[props.dimension.x, -props.dimension.y, 0]} >
// //
My rendering:
position: "absolute",
marginLeft: "auto",
marginRight: "auto",
left: 0,
right: 0,
textAlign: "center",
zindex: 9,
width: 640,
height: 480,
<Canvas style={canvasStyle}>
<Suspense fallback={null}>
<ambientLight />
<spotLight intensity={0.2}
castShadow />
<Model dimension={{x:XAvg, y:YAvg }}/>
<OrbitControls enablePan={true}
Can someone help me to resolve the issue?