PointLight and custom map uniform don't work on my custom shader

I create my material by replace shader on MeshStandardMaterial.
The shader is modified from standard shader. The original uniforms and my int/vector2 uniforms works fine. DirectionalLight and AmbientLight works fine too.
Two problems:

  1. directLight.color turns black after compute PointLight;(detected by return gl_fragcolor in lights_fragment_begin)

  2. My custom map uniforms won’t show.(confirmed by spector.js)

The shader had no problems on my old project, but I am rewriting the project by TypeScript and Object-oriented way.

My material:

class DecalMaterial extends THREE.MeshStandardMaterial {
  uniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.merge([
    emissive: { value: new THREE.Color(0x000000) },
    roughness: { value: 0.6 },
    metalness: { value: 0 },
    envMapIntensity: { value: 1 },
    normalIntensity: { value: 1.0 },
    fabricEmission: { value: 0 },
    decalTecRepeat: { value: new THREE.Vector2(1, 1) },
    decalThicknessNormalMap: { value: new THREE.Texture() },
    uvMatrix: { value: new THREE.Matrix3() },
    decalRepeatMode: { value: 0 }
    borderIntensity: { value: 0 },
    borderRange: { value: 0 }
   backFaceMap: { value: null }
   backFaceNormalMap: { value: null },
   backFaceNormalIntensity: { value: 1.0 }
   originNormalMap: { value: null },
   originNormalScale: { value: new THREE.Vector2(1, 1) }
   decalFabricOriginUv: { value: new THREE.Vector2(0.5, 0.5) },
   decalFabricUvRange: { value: new THREE.Vector2(0.5, 0.5) },
   decalFabricRotation: { value: 0.0 },
   decalFabricMapRepeat: { value: new THREE.Vector2(1, 1) }
   pureLightColor: { value: -1.0 },
   pureLightIntensity: { value: 0.7 }
   backPureLightColor: { value: 0.6 },
   backLightIntensity: { value: 0.7 }
   depthMap: { value: new THREE.Texture() },
   opaqueDepthMap: { value: new THREE.Texture() },
   depthrender: { value: 0.0 },
   tmap: { value: 0.0 },
   peeling: { value: 0.0 }
 constructor() {
     roughness: 0.9,
     metalness: 0.1,
     transparent: true,
     depthWrite: false
   this.onBeforeCompile = shader => {
      shader.uniforms = this.uniforms;
      shader.vertexShader = ShaderOur.vertexShader;
      shader.fragmentShader = ShaderOur.fragmentShader;
    this.defines["DECAL"] = "";

How I set my map uniform:

get ThicknessMap() {
    return this.uniforms.decalThicknessNormalMap ? this.uniforms.decalThicknessNormalMap.value : null;
set ThicknessMap(texture: THREE.Texture) {
  if (texture) {
    this.defines["DECAL_THICKNESS"] = "";
    this.uniforms.decalThicknessNormalMap = {
      value: texture
  } else {
    delete this.defines["DECAL_THICKNESS"];
    this.uniforms.decalThicknessNormalMap = {
      value: null
  this.uniforms.decalThicknessNormalMap.value.needsUpdate = true;
  this.needsUpdate = true;

The shader is composited by many chunks(just modification of standard material. I didn’t modify the lighting part. And the part about decalThicknessNormalMap is

#if defined (USE_NORMALMAP) || defined (DECAL_THICKNESS)
uniform sampler2D normalMap;
uniform vec2 normalScale;
uniform float normalIntensity;

uniform sampler2D decalThicknessNormalMap;

Sorry that I don’ t know how to format the text properly. The full vertex shader and fragment shader can be seen here(get from spector.js):

I feel the problems are complicated to explain, so it may be not very clear. If you kind guys need more information, please tell me. I would like to make a fiddle but I don’t know how to paste the long shader with line feeds on it.

Edit: The maps work fine, it disapeared because I forget to open some key words.