Parametric function the material looks transparent

I created a parametric function

function paramFunc(u, v, target) {
  u = 2 * (u - 0.5);
  v = 2 * (v - 0.5);

  let x = u * 60;
  let z = v * 60;

  let y = Math.sin(0.5 * x) * Math.sin(0.5 * z) * 3;

  target.set(x, y, z);

  const geo = new ParametricGeometry(paramFunc, 100, 100);

  let meshMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: 0xff0000});
  let mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geo, meshMaterial);

  const wireframe = new THREE.WireframeGeometry(geo);
  const line = new THREE.LineSegments(wireframe);
  line.material.opacity = 0.25;

it works, although in some places the mesh looks transparent


Any suggestion?

thanks in advance

Two suggestions:

  • make the material double-sided with:
    new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({color:0xff0000, side:THREE.DoubleSide});
  • and optional additional info