OutlinePass flickering

I’m using outlinePass and get an intermittent flicker. v 0.164.1.
Console error:
[.WebGL-0000606C01C3E900] GL_INVALID_OPERATION: Blit feedback loop: the read and draw framebuffers are the same.

Live version here: https://carlbateman.gitlab.io/model-editor-3d/
Source code here: https://gitlab.com/CarlBateman/model-editor-3d/-/tree/main/src
Oops! GitLab has silly access limits for non-subscribers. So…
Source code also here: https://github.com/CarlBateman/model-editor-3d/tree/main/src
File: highlightSelection.js

It looks like I shouldn’t call renderer.render and composer.render. :wink: