OrbitControls Moves on 1st Mouse after Setting Camera Information

After copying what I believe to be all the necessary information from the animation camera back to the default camera, the 1st mouse movement after the animation is run still jumps.

function switchCamera(fromCamera, toCamera) {

    camInfo('', fromCamera);
		  var a = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0);
		  fromCamera.getWorldDirection( a );

    controls.ptr.enabled = false;
    camera.ptr = toCamera;
    controls.ptr.object = toCamera;

    controls.ptr.enabled = true;
    console.log('controls.ptr.object after 1st render');
    camInfo('', controls.ptr.object);
    console.log('camera.ptr after 1st render');
    camInfo('', camera.ptr);


  1. A bit unrelated to the question, but related to code itself - every object in JS is a pointer, no need to nest them as a .ptr reference, it’s just a potential memory leak in a long run.
  2. Consider using const instead of var - debugging the code in it’s current state is a bit very hard, stuff’s declared all over the place.
  3. var that = this; stuff like this will get you a life sentence in some states :pensive:
  4. You cannot manually modify the camera if it’s controlled by OrbitControls - camera position and rotation will be automatically overridden on the next frame. The fact that you disable controls before overwriting the camera doesn’t mean much, as soon as you re-enable the controls they’ll jump the camera back to where they left of. If you apply OrbitControls to the camera, forget about manually modifying camera.position and camera.rotation - instead modify camera.position and controls.target to place the camera in the way you want it.
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Surely there is a way to programmatically reposition / rotate / retarget a camera once it is under ObitControls.

I have cleaned up my jsFiddle - removed ‘pointer’ code and ‘that’ references.

If you want to camera to stay immobile under orbitctrols, you have to set the controls.target to something valid for the new position/orientation.

Something like controls.target.set(0,0,-controls.target.distanceTo(camera.poistion)).applyQuaternion(camera.quaternion).add(camera.position)

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