I am porting our opengl es based game to threejs (instead of pure webgl) and most of our movement are based on the object axis (look, right and up vectors). I see the documentation and
I can see that we can get the up vector, but not the lookAt and the right, but I can set the lookAt vector though (but no getter), How do I do this?
(1) How do I get the orientation vectors of a 3D object specialy the look and the right?
(2) aside from getting it, how do I set it as well, see for example if I move an object 3 units forward, then I need the look vector, If I move the object 3 units to the side, then i need the right vector.
I can see in the documentation only getter for up and setter for look and no access to right vector.
(3) I also need this vectors to do rotations in object based on its orientation, things like Yaw, pitch and roll.
I know I can manipulate or get this thru the matrix, but i was thinking with a robust library like threejs i thought there was an easy way maybe i am missing out something from the documentation?