Last week my webXr augmebted reality seems have bug not related to my code:
After few seconds in AR mode, the camera seems turn left of 90°.
Tested on Android, Chrome and different smartphone.
I can reproduce the issue. When starting the demo, the camera has a wrong orientation (the actual scene is on the left side). After a few seconds, the camera changes to the correct orientation and everything is in view. It is necessary to move the phone a bit around though.
Looks like a bug to me. It also seems the issue has not been reported at the Chromium bug tracker, yet.
Thanks for your answear, i m going to fill the issue.
Another question: seems that i can’t add any child to webxr AR camera ( renderer.render( scene, camera ) ). Is it a bug or a knowed new rules for the webxr ?
I can reproduce this issue as well. It seems to be getViewerPose() in the animation frame callback returning a rotated pose. Interestingly it doesn’t seem to be reproducible in Model-Viewer which I think uses the same code path…