Just want to show two mirrors at different angles and want to count no. of images formed by object at different angles of mirror.
My problem is that I try many codes but mirror is not apperaing.
Can you just give how to show mirror and put into some angles??
Please help…
the description of the activity want to show ----->
Show two mirrors hinged at a right angle. Now show an object and it’s multiple images. Illustrate with a step by step diagram showing how images are being created.
Allow student to change the angle by dragging the mirrors and keep showing multiple images when the student completes the drag.
The student has to fill a table showing how many images are formed with each of the common angles.
Thank you so much .
I need one more help how can I set mirror on angles .
I add two mirrors as a code.
I want to change angles of both mirrors like 30,45,60,120,180 etc.
from common end.
When I change Math.PIE value it affects position and not get attached from same wall.
Please help me.
The code is -
Thanks for the demo.
I can try the changing the rotateY() values according to angles but it is a big mirror and I want to show it to attched the same wall.
Code is same as previous only angle changes.
You can see It.
When angle is 90 -
When angle is 45 , it looks like -
I want to attach from the same position as previous I try to change same x,y,z coordinate but it doesn’t work.
Please help.
When you have several variables of the same name, it’s hard to understand which geometry belongs to which mirror object.
Looks like you’re asking about translation of vertices in a geometry, thus you’ll get a differen pivot point.
Thanks but I want the mirror from same pole in different angles.
I also used different variable names.
I want to show multiple images of object from same point when mirror are placed at different angles.