Meteo in real time with openweather API

A first project which is a 3D meteo website that displays real time weather on a little american farm. It’s made with react-three-fiber, react, howler.js for the radio.

You can click on the radio and it should play a country radio, if you click again it stops, if you click again it plays the next channel.

Difficult part was to be able to do this with the 3D radio because of react context/canvas mess.

All models should be CC0 so dont hesitate to report it to me if you see any problem. It displays the day current light (eg: night, day) but mainly in France I think… (did not really manage or tried to make it worldwide).

It gets the data from the free openweather api so it won’t work with more than 60 requests an hour…

5 states are possible : clear, cloudy, snow, mist, rain !

I mainly use it to listen to country music… ^^

Thanks a lot for your help each time it’s requested !