I did this to retrieve the data from the console, I’m not really sure how to use getObjectByName, but anyway:
loader.load('../public/camera_prova.glb', function(gltf) {
gltf.scene.traverse((child) => {
if (child.name === 'Camera') {
console.log('Camera position:', child.position);
console.log('Camera rotation:', child.rotation);
}, undefined, function(error) {
console.error('Error loading GLB:', error);
Then I put the data in my three camera:
const camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(- f, f, f, - f, 1, 1000);
const cameraPosition = new THREE.Vector3(4.142228603363037, 9.353914260864258, 7.234145164489746);
const cameraRotation = new THREE.Euler(
-0.8922362630407233, // x
0.49492521545985113, // y
0.5323526488557353, // z
camera.rotation.set(cameraRotation.x, cameraRotation.y, cameraRotation.z);
It seems to be working overall but I’m not really sure it’s exactly the same angle yet. Plus, the Suzanne I used to test looks a bit deformed, but it’s a start!
Another problem now is that the camera is cutting off the ground mesh and the obj.
I have changed my OrtographicCamera Near param like this but I don’t think it’s an optimal solution:
const camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(- f, f, f, - f, -40, 1000);
I’ll continue to test, I will surely take a look at what @drcmda linked, it looks fantastic.
Thanks again!
const w = window.innerWidth;
const h = window.innerHeight;
const f = 20;
const camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(-w/f, w/f, h/f, -h/f, -40, 100);
const cameraPosition = new THREE.Vector3(4.142, 9.354, 7.234);
const cameraRotation = new THREE.Euler(
camera.rotation.set(cameraRotation.x, cameraRotation.y, cameraRotation.z);
I saw that using gltfjsx the one was the same as the ones I retrieved from the console so I just used those in my three camera.
Models were squished because i didn’t add the window.innerWidth etc