Looking for a senior ThreeJS & React dev for Lottie Creator

Hey everyone,

We are building Lottie Creator using ThreeJS and are looking for some amazing front-end folks to join the team.

If anyone wants to read more about the role. Here is the JD.

Thank you

Hello, hope you are doing well.
I am ThreeJS and ReactJS expert.
I 'd like to discuss in more detail.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Email: yukiowada015@gmail.com
Best regards,

I am a web developer and have rich experience with Three.js and React.js.
I am free now and can start your project.
I want to discuss about your project more detail via chatting.
I am waiting your good chance.
My telegram : Telegram: Contact @waterswallow
Thank you.

Hello, I have applied the job with the link you provided.
Here are my demo website:

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