Looking for a creative developer

we are a starup in web / mobile / console development in the uk,

looking for someone to collaborate or to work with us ,

area of expertise needed , Three js for handling 3d renderer and optimization ,
javascript and jquery

if interested drop me a message and can take it from there



Hi. I´m interested in the opportunity. I´m a Three js developer working from Brazil. Here is my LinkedIn page. https://www.linkedin.com/in/pedrohenriquedepaula/

It seems to me that private messages are no longer available o Discourse. I can send more info via email. My email is pedrohdp84@hotmail.com

Hi Pedro,

Thanks for the message , have not seen your linked in profile , i am sure it would be great,
i am in the process of talking to other people as well , we are a start up company in here , will get back to you ,
what is your position are you are freelancer or would you like to be a collaborator with the company


I’m willing to help… freelance, contractor, collaborator, maybe I can even partner. Whatever works best. Let me know exactly the job that needs to be done and we´ll make it happen.

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