Im using three js and react three fiber for an app. The 3D Model which i use, is really large (about 14mb). So the problem, everytime when the app restart/reload it takes to much time to load the app, because the 3D Model is always loading new.
Does anybody know if there is a solution for this? Cache,… or whatever?
remove extra vertices,faces,edges (decimate from blender)
export model with separated texture with minal visible size and model without textures
As a last resort, use zip compression at the maximum level and unzip it on the client.
import * as EXTRA from '';
function unzip(zip) {
zip.filter(function (path, file) {
var manager = new THREE.LoadingManager();
manager.setURLModifier(function (url) {
var file = zip.files[url];
if (file) {
var blob = new Blob([file.asArrayBuffer()], { type: 'application/octet-stream' });
return URL.createObjectURL(blob);
return url;
var extension ='.').pop().toLowerCase();
switch (extension) {
case 'glb':
new THREE.GLTFLoader().parse(file.asArrayBuffer(), '', function (result) {
//TODO with result as model loaded
JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent('', async function (err, data) {
if (err) {
throw err; // or handle err
var myzip = new JSZip();