I have a scene that uses a large plane to simulate an ocean (wind waker esque). Are there ways to optimize how this plane is rendered when far away from the camera? In the picture I have, the texture can clearly be seen being repeated farther away, is there any way to just make it fade into a plain blue or use fog that would make it look better and also run better? Any advice appreciated.
This is timely.
I just finished updating my WebGPU programs showcasing an animated ocean. This program uses several tricks that you might find useful:
- I used fog to cause things to get a little fuzzier in the distance.
- I used textures to create variations in the ocean colors.
- The ocean is also partly reflective.
- I also muted the ocean colors.
Together, these additions hid the tiling which would otherwise be noticeable.
The program [fdem_ocean_gpu_gh.html] is on my GitHub page. You can see the program in action here.
The program uses a scrolling grid map with three different sizes of grids. The animated ocean is used the create the textures for those grids. So you could use the scrolling grid map and replace the aminated ocean with your textures. Since you are at ocean level, you may only need a couple of different grid sizes - and a single size of textures. You could replace the custom camera (which is what I was working on) with something similar like OrbitControls.
Welcome to the Ocean!