Jagged edges on shader material

Hi there,

currently i am writing shaders to display different patterns on a plane. That works fine but the output looks like anti-aliasing is missing for me. Although antialiasing is enabled. I also tried to increase the pixelRatio, which helped a bit but did not bring the results i want.

Here is an image of the probem:

As you can see all the edges of the squares are jagged.
Here is my fragment shader code:

uniform vec2 uSize; // The size of the plane in meters
uniform float uSquareSize; // Square size in meters
uniform float uGapSize; // Gap size in meters
uniform float uInvert;

varying vec2 vUv;

void main() {
  // Calculate total size of one grid cell (square + gap)
  float gridCellSizeX = uSquareSize + uGapSize;
  float gridCellSizeY = uSquareSize + uGapSize;

  // Calculate number of complete grid cells that fit in each dimension
  float numberOfColumns = floor(uSize.x / gridCellSizeX);
  float numberOfRows = floor(uSize.y / gridCellSizeY);

  // Calculate total width and height occupied by these grid cells
  float totalGridWidth = numberOfColumns * gridCellSizeX;
  float totalGridHeight = numberOfRows * gridCellSizeY;

  // Calculate remaining space after fitting complete grid cells
  float restX = uSize.x - totalGridWidth;
  float restY = uSize.y - totalGridHeight;

  // Calculate offsets to center the pattern
  float offsetX = (restX - uGapSize) / 2.0;
  float offsetY = (restY - uGapSize) / 2.0;

  // Adjust UV coordinates to apply centering offsets
  vec2 adjustedUV = vUv * uSize - vec2(offsetX, offsetY);

  // Calculate step value for square and gap transitions
  float stepValueX = uGapSize / gridCellSizeX;
  float stepValueY = uGapSize / gridCellSizeY;

  // Determine pattern presence using step function
  float patternX = step(stepValueX, mod(adjustedUV.x / gridCellSizeX, 1.0));
  float patternY = step(stepValueY, mod(adjustedUV.y / gridCellSizeY, 1.0));

  // Combine patterns for both dimensions
  float pattern = patternX * patternY;

  // Output color based on pattern
  pattern = mix(pattern, 1.0 - pattern, uInvert);

  //keep result between 0 and 0.95
  pattern = clamp(pattern, 0.0, 0.95);

  gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(0.9), pattern);

Any hint would be highly appreciated!

P.S. I am using r3f but i doubt, it is part of the problem (mentioning it just to make sure you have all infos)

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I dont know a crazy amount about three but this is what has helped me in my projects,
const renderTarget = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, {
format: THREE.RGBAFormat,
type: THREE.UnsignedByteType,
samples: 4 ← (you can change this number)
there are other types of antialias you can use like FXAA or SMAA but ive never used them

Also if you use any postprocessing ({antialias:true}); doesn’t apply anymore.

Hopefully this helps?

Hi, thanks for the answer.

where do i set samples on a renderer? I cannot find this attribute
I only find this:

  • maxSamples: The value of gl.MAX_SAMPLES. Maximum number of samples in context of Multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA).

How am i able to set a different AA algorithm?
I do not use postprocessing but thanks for the hint.

let renderer=new THREE.WebGLRenderer({canvas:canvas,antialias:true});

I already set antialias to true. It works fine in the overall project. Only the shader is not anti aliased thats the problem!

If it’s acceptable to enable material’s transparency, then try to use smoothstep instead of step


Demo: https://codepen.io/prisoner849/full/MYgaPqa

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Great idea, i do not understand your shadercode fully but i’ll dive into it!
I did not get it working fully to apply the smoothstepp to both sides of my squares but if i manage to get it it is the solution.
Thank you @prisoner849!