Issue with reflection while using MeshPhysicalMaterial


We have some reflection problems when using the MeshPhysicalMaterial.
When we try to set the thickness parameter, the material il refleting the texture in the wrong way.
The material is set as follow:

const material = new THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial({});
material.reflectivity = 0;
material.transmission = 1;
material.roughness = 0;
material.metalness = 0;
material.clearcoat = 0;
material.clearcoatRoughness = 0;
material.transparent = true;
material.color = new THREE.Color(0xedcb9f);//0x8A5A31
material.ior = 1.5;
material.envMapIntensity = 1;
material.thickness = 0.2;
material.side = THREE.FrontSide;

The result is:

Like how you can see in the image, the label “Pinot grigio” is reflected even when it’s over the bottle with the material.
The label side is set as “FrontSide”. If we try to turn the label on the other side, the label is not visible and the bottle won’t reflect the label.
We are using the last threejs version (r156).

If needed we can share more infos.


I think it’s not fixable, it creates an extra render of the scene without the object that later receives the refractions. That label is in there. As a last resort maybe try moving the label inside the bottle mesh and see if that works. I mean structurally as a child of the mesh.

You can look into meshtransmissionmaterial otherwise which lets you control the render buffer.