Instancied object disappear when init point out of camera, how to change?


i have a “forest” → instancied objects once, but all from a single 3d object at position 0,0,0.
When i move camera, and the point (0,0,0) is not in sight ; all objects disapear

Its not what i want since i have thousand of object spread everywhere. The (0,0,0) is just a dummy
How can i can remove this behavior ?

i ve already tried to put
“this.mesh[i].frustumCulled = false;” but it changed nothing

Thanks for help. I d like a never “changing map” where i can 360° camera around.

Pb solved, 100% my fault, i had this code in render loop

var frustum = new THREE.Frustum();

        frustum.setFromMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().multiplyMatrices(,;

        this.scene.traverse(function (e) {

            if (e instanceof THREE.Mesh)


                if (e.userData.masque)

                    e.visible = false;



                    if ( ! frustum.intersectsObject( e ) ) {

                        e.visible = false;



                        e.visible = true;



