Hi All,
I want to submit my updated project www.iariv.com . This is a web app for uploading 360 images and creating virtual tours and also can add avatars. I have created this website using three.js. Any suggestions or feedback appreciated
Hi All,
I want to submit my updated project www.iariv.com . This is a web app for uploading 360 images and creating virtual tours and also can add avatars. I have created this website using three.js. Any suggestions or feedback appreciated
Check the URL. For some reason it gives 404 over here.
Update: in Firefox the link goes to http://...
and it gives 404. In Chrome it goes to https://...
and works fine.
Update2: It looks nice. Two observations: (1) the FOV when inside a room is too big and it deforms the proportions; (2) to navigation is somewhat strange to me - horizontal rotation and vertical rotations are opposite (the horizontal rotation is along the mouse motion, the vertical rotation is opposite of the mouse motion) – is this on purpose?