loader.setPath( directory );
loader.load( filename+ext, function (obj) {
if(obj.hasOwnProperty('scene')) importModel.bufferObject = obj.scene;
else importModel.bufferObject = obj;
//get all the textures that the imported model uses
importModel.uniqueImages = [];
importModel.bufferObject.traverse( function(child) {
if (child instanceof THREE.Mesh) {
try{ if(importModel.uniqueImages.indexOf(child.material.map.image.src) == -1) importModel.uniqueImages.push(child.material.map.image.src); }catch{}
//create the textures in our format
importModel.uniqueImages = importModel.uniqueImages.filter(e => e != null);
if(importModel.uniqueImages.length > 0){
image.src = importModel.uniqueImages[0];
else importModel.convertBufferObject();
},function (obj) {},function (error) {
error = String(error).replace("THREE.","");
In order to get the image.src to successfully load, I have to comment out URL.revokeObjectURL( sourceURI ); from the GLTFLoader module…
Is there a way to get the image loading without having to edit the module like that??
the image.src looks like this: “blob:chrome-extension://enjilmhmplefekkpbciadkljojpakhmd/54d7e9a6-ba95-4024-b67c-4b040304c0d9”
I wasn’t sure how to title this post…