I have an issue on the map texture setting on my model using the shadermaterial i am using the points not the mesh

let particles ={}
let model=await callglb(“…/public/ship_in_a_bottle.glb”)
let geometry = adhhhh.nodes.boat_export_veliero001_baked_material_0.geometry
const particleCount = geometry.attributes.position.count;
particles.geometry=new THREE.BufferGeometry()

particles.geometry.setDrawRange(0, particleCount);

particles.geometry.setDrawRange(0, particleCount);
particles.material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: {
uparttextrure:new THREE.Uniform(),
uzize: { value: 8.0 }, // Particle size
uresoultion: {
value: new THREE.Vector2(window.innerWidth * window.devicePixelRatio, window.innerHeight * window.devicePixelRatio),
maptextr: { value: adhhhh.materials.veliero001_baked_material.map }, // Correct texture
color: { value: new THREE.Color(0xffffff) }, // Base color
vertexShader: vertexshapa,
fragmentShader: fragfmentoppartii,

const cube = new THREE.Points(particles.geometry, particles.material);

i wna to use ethe map in this but it is not giving the exact map result

uniform sampler2D uparttextrure; // GPGPU texture
uniform float uzize; // Particle size
uniform sampler2D maptextr; // Texture for particle mapping
uniform vec3 color; // Particle base color

varying vec2 vuv; // UV from vertex shader
varying vec3 vPosition; // Position from vertex shader

void main() {
// Calculate distance from the center of the particle
vec2 uv = gl_PointCoord - vec2(0.5); // Center the UV coordinates
float dist = length(uv); // Distance from the center

// Create a circular mask
if (dist > 0.5) {
    discard; // Discard fragments outside the circle

// Use the texture for particle appearance
vec4 textureColor = texture2D(maptextr, gl_PointCoord);

// Set the final color
gl_FragColor = vec4(color * textureColor.rgb, textureColor.a);

} this is smhy vertex shader cpde and uniform sampler2D maptextr; // Material texture map
uniform vec3 color; // Base color
varying vec2 vuv; // UV from vertex shader
varying vec3 vPosition; // Position from vertex shader

void main() {
vec4 textureColor = texture2D(maptextr, vuv); // Fetch color from texture using UV
if (textureColor.a < 0.1) discard; // Optional: Discard transparent areas of texture

vec4 baseColor = vec4(color, 1.0); // Base color
gl_FragColor = textureColor; // Combine base color with texture
this frag code how do i use the map texture perfectly to the to the model